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June 26-29, 2022 · Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- The 6th Urban Street Symposium (USS6) took place in conjunction with the 6th International Symposium on Highway Geometric Design (ISHGD).
- Originally scheduled for the summer of 2020, COVID-related restrictions made it necessary to reschedule the Symposium, which was held June 26-29, 2022, in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- The 6th Symposium was organized and co-sponsored by:
- The scope of the Symposium included topics related to either geometric design research or practice. Within this scope, sessions on the meeting program were based on topics such as: urban street design; freeways and interchanges; intersection design, control, and operations; access management; accommodating all users; effects of automated/connected vehicles on design; and work zone design.
- Papers submitted to the 2020 ISHGD Featuring the 6th Urban Street Symposium were made available electronically, to facilitate information sharing and technology transfer. Although papers were reviewed for presentation at the symposium, this review was not as rigorous as that required of some professional journals, and so these papers are not considered to be formally published. Thus, authors could submit their papers to other professional and refereed journals for subsequent publication.